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Day 30

Hello Friends! Today's read aloud is I'll Wait, Mr. Panda! In the story Panda see's some of his friends who...

Day 30

Today's read aloud is The True Story of the Three Little Pigs This is the story of the three little pigs...

Day 29

Today's read-aloud is titled: Big Bear, Small Mouse. The story goes through the woods introducing many...

Day 28

Happy Monday friends! My read-aloud today was one requested by a friend: The Giving Tree It's a great...

Day 27

Today's read aloud is Good Night Owl What is your bedtime routine? Do you take a shower or a bath? Do you...

Day 26

Hello friends! Here is my latest read aloud of the book We're All Wonders: Here are some discussion...

Day 25

Hi friends! Today I read a book by Dr. Seuss called Green Eggs and Ham Many of Dr. Seuss' books have rhyming...

Day 24

Happy Monday! I can't believe we've been away for 6 weeks now. I miss you all so much and though I get to see most of you through video...

Day 23

Hang in there friends it's almost Friday! Here's a fun dance along song to get you through the end of the week!...

Day 22

Happy Earth Day! Friends, go to the Google homepage:

Day 21

Hello friends! Here is my latest reading of Penguinaut! The story is about a brave penguin...

Day 20

It's the last day of our sloth experiment friends because look who is out of the water! He is too cute! Here is my latest video of The...

Day 19

Friends! I forgot to post this yesterday! Here is the next step in our sloth experiment, the whole top of the log came off and we can see...

Day 18

Hi Friends and happy Wednesday! Here is your reading link today to the book Be Who You Are:

Day 17

Good Morning friends! Here is my reading link for yesterday and today: After the Fall...

Day 16

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a restful spring break. I will be sending out an email soon to check in with everyone and...

Day 15

Hello everyone and happy Friday! I just got off a few video chats with you and it is so wonderful to see your beautiful happy faces. Next...

Day 14

Hello friends. I was devastated when I heard the news yesterday that we would not be going back to school for the remainder of the year....

Day 13

Good morning parents, In partnership with Governor Brian Kemp and the state Coronavirus Task Force, the Georgia Department of Community...

Day 12

Hey friends! Happy Tuesday, wake your brain up to a fun letter sounds song:

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